Diary study on payment behavior in Switzerland
The Swiss Payment Monitor is a research project of the University of St. Gallen and the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences to study the payment behavior of the Swiss population.
A central part of the study is the documentation of each transaction in a payment diary kept by the subjects over a period of three days. The study is conducted every six months. The mQuest® software for diary studies is used for the regular and simple recording of transactions.
Through specific control during documentation, detailed information on payment behavior is collected. In addition, participants receive a push notification each evening, reminding them to fully record their transactions. The acquired data therefore provides a complete portrait of a subject‘s payment behavior.
Project: Swiss Payment Monitor
In a nutshell
- Product in use: mQuest® Diary
- Increase in data quality through clearly structured digital payment diaries
- Quickly customizable questionnaires and flexible assignment in task management
- Error-free results without media changes, nearly in real time
- Automatic push notifications to remind the subjects
- 100 % offline and therefore independent of WiFi or mobile data connections